“Jesus says, the harvest is rich but the labourers are few, ask the Lord of harvest to send more labourers into his vine yard” (Mt. 9:37).
Dear friends, let us take these words of the scripture as words directed to us by Jesus Christ. How would you respond to it? Considering one’s own state of life [married or single] there are just two options; one may respond either by going into the field to work full time in the vine yard like the Consolers and the Little Lilies or by supporting in kind in their mission by giving and by praying for the mission.
It is in this light that a body known as
‘Vocation Movement for the Consolers and Little Lilies’ was established by His Lordship Most Rev Ayo-Maria ATOYEBI OP, Bishop emeritus of Ilorin diocese in 2016 whose responsibilities among other things will include;
Supporting the mission of the Consolers and the Little Lilies through their sacrifice of time and wealth.
Making donation of various kind through their prayers.
Sponsoring of Consolers in their seminary formation.
Creating awareness in the dioceses about the mission of the Consolers and their needs.
Encouraging vocation into religious life.
Bringing more sponsors to support the training of the seminarians and the sisters.
Establishment and promotion of this movement in all the parishes in the dioceses.
Playing the necessary role of a family to the Consolers and Little Lilies.
Organizing the priestly ordination and religious profession of the Consolers and the Little Lilies.
Holding parish and diocesan meetings at intervals to discuss on the welfare of the movement.
Organizing retreats for the spiritual benefit of the members and workshops to sensitize the people about our mission.
Undertaking such other similar responsibilities as the congregation or the movement may determine in the future.
The person may or may not be the third order Consoler or Little Lily.
We therefore, passionately appeal to all God’s people and people of good will to support this novel movement that will help realize the Divine mission of Christ in the world for renewal and restoration of the world’s order for the coming of the Glorious Reign of peace in the world.
To have a better grasp of our intention, we here, make a little reference to the message of the Precious Blood where Jesus said;
as I have appealed to you, help and appeal to others. I have prepared many hearts in the world to help carry out My projects. They will hear you when you call out to them.
On this note, we believe that we are speaking to the hearts that Jesus has prepared for this mission. May you hear and harken to the voice of love inviting you to this mission. May you be abundantly blessed by the merits and mysteries of the Most Precious Blood as you step up to answer this call of love as mama Maria continues to intercede for us amen.
1. Holy Land Gethsemane Home; (Mother house)
This is the mother house where everything started.
It is headquarter and center of all our national programs.
It is the formation house of the pre-postulants and postulants.
It is under the direction of the formator priest.
2 PBIC GETHSEMANE HOME; (School apostolate)
his is the community that coordinates and directs the administration of the school and the printing apostolate.
At present it has a population of about 3 professed brothers.
This is the novitiate house of the Consolers and the Little Lilies.
It is under the direction of the novice master and mistress of the communities.
This is the community of the consolers training at the major seminary of the Dominican institute of Philosophy and Theology.
Phone NO: 08082222155, 08026605606, 08025274237.
Email: agonisingconsoler@gmail.com, littleconsolers@yahoo.com
Website: www.worldapostolateofpreciousblood.com
Bank: Zenith Bank
A/C Name: Order of the Agonizing Consolers of Jesus Christ
A/C No: 1012736453
There is no strict restriction to the membership of this movement. Everyone is invited to this noble project. It is open to all God’s people and men of good will.
Membership is however categorized into three:
Ordinary members (sponsors)
Committed members (sponsor + Benefactors)
Administrative members (sponsor + Administration)
Ordinary Members: These are members who support the movement with their prayers, sacrifice and monetary contribution occasionally.
Committed Members: These are those who took it upon themselves to carry the burden of the training of the Consolers/Little Lilies either as partial sponsors or full sponsors. They are also known as the benefactors of the vocation movement. They also take it as their duty to pray for the success of the mission daily and to promote the vocation.
Administrative Members: These are the committed members chosen to carry out the secretarial affairs of this movement. They can either be elected or appointed from the committed members of this movement.
If you come across this material and your spirit prompts you to be part of this mission then, make inquiries amongst the members of Precious Blood devotion in your locality for proper guidance or otherwise call us on these numbers; 08082222155, 08026605606 or 08025274237.
May God bless you as you indicate your interest to join.
There is a vocation movement team at the headquarters, headed by the team’s server.
There shall be a national movement server, assistant, secretary and PROs.
There shall be diocesan servers, secretaries financial, secretaries and PRO.
The parishes shall also maintain similar structure as in the diocese.
All of these structures are under the strict directives of the superior of the consolers.
There shall be quarterly meeting of the national Exco members at the headquarters.
There shall be biannual international meeting of the movement in a designated country of choice.
The following amongst others are the benefits of all duly registered members.
- They are remembered in the daily community prayers of the various communities of the congregations.
- They share in the sacrificial merits of the members of these congregations.
- They share in the daily merits of the corporal works of the communities.
- They share in the blessings of the Holy Land.
- They share in the graces of the daily sacrifice of mass offered in the Holy Land and the communities of the congregation.
- They share in the daily merits of the prayers of the devotees of the Precious Blood all over the world.
- At the death of a faithful registered member, he /she is entitled to one year novena masses.
- At the death of a member of their nuclear family, they are entitled to a 9 days novena masses.
- We unite in a special way in prayers with a member in times of difficulties and mishap.
- We offer special prayers for monthly intentions of the members forwarded to our Email address.
- They have special place of honour at the ceremonies of the congregation.
- They are entitled to a free annual national retreat at the Holy Land and requested diocesan retreats as time permits.
Daily Prayers of Movement Members
O! God, I truly believe that your only Son Jesus Christ, instituted these communities of the Consolers and Little Lilies for his holy purpose in the world. I beseech thee to help them in their mission and support them at difficult times. I sincerely wish to support their mission by giving. I believe that you have chosen me for this purpose and I beg you to provide me with the needed means and generosity of heart to support them. May my prayer be united with the daily prayers and merits of the Consolers and Little Lilies for my spiritual and temporal benefit and those of the world, Amen.
May the Precious Blood….
1 Our Father,
1 Hail Mary,
1 Glory be.
Every registered member is assigned a membership code number.
It is a means of identification.
All of your transactions with us, will be through the membership code number.
Ensure that your name is properly entered into the register, either as an active or non-active member.
All financial transactions is through the bank by the individual person and the teller forwarded to the appropriate quarters for acknowledgement.